A Day in the Life


Love each other, love learning, love God

This is a different way to homeschool. One that has given us more time for what matters most. Completely redesigning our schedule, getting really intentional with our resources and shifting our focus to connection has flooded our days with more time for curiosity, focus, enjoyment, peace, deeper learning, grace…more time for each other, for fostering a love of learning and anchoring our days in faith. It has truly transformed our little homeschool on the prairie. With just a few little changes, school and home are now beautifully interwoven. Now, it’s all about making memories.

This is their childhood, we’re going to enjoy it.

A Day in the life: English

Our Mini Subject Guidebook will walk you through a complete English Day; including access to our detailed Language Arts schedule, all our favourite Language Arts resources organized for you to find yours and how we make English Day fun!

Homeschool with Love

Inside our Implementation Guide is EVERYTHING you need to seamlessly transform your homeschool journey. Designed specifically to help you transition your schedule, resources, your days successfully, our step-by-step guide will revive your homeschool.

Our Subject Themed Schedule

Take a peek at our daily rhythm and weekly schedule for FREE. Get inspired to homeschool differently. Includes blank templates and planners for you.